Share Attunement, Bless The World

Animal Ministry Aspects – At The Intersection

◄ by Claire Houston – Exeter, NH ►

Living in a suburban environment, I often witness the intersection of the wild animal community and the developed human community. My introduction of the Attunement current into these situations happened originally when I started blessing those animals that were casualties of the intersection.

For years I felt so sad and helpless when I saw an animal that had been killed by a vehicle. One day, about 20 years ago, I simply lifted my Giving Hand (leaving my other hand on the steering wheel), radiated love and appreciation, and said, “Blessed be.” I noticed that something shifted by doing this, even if the shift only resulted in MY feeling better. However, if the atmosphere changed in such a way that I felt better, I trusted that something more was happening as well. This blessing practice became a regular habit for me from then on. I would see an animal’s body on the road and bless it, and the crow too that was scavenging. I added thanking the animals for their beautiful physical bodies, knowing that their spirits ran free after their passing, but still wanting to bless their physical presence here – thanking the crows too for their invaluable service.

Then, years after starting the initial blessing practice, I began doing a similar kind of blessing for the living animals I would come across at the suburban intersection. I used to live in a town in which the only roads home went through swampy areas. During migration times and heavy rains, the frogs would crowd the roads at night, moving from here to there. It broke my heart driving through, even doing my best to avoid hitting them. One day I had the thought that perhaps I could up the amperage of my high beams with Attunement. I lifted my Giving Hand, radiated a beacon of Attunement, and slowly drove through. What I noticed was that the Attunement current seemed to inform the frogs. They would either hop faster, or stand still and wait for me to go by. Fewer and fewer of them ended up under my tires.

I expanded this to birds, squirrels, chipmunks, deer, and even a moose who crossed my path on my way to work. The result of introducing Attunement had the same effect. It seemed to communicate something to them so that they knew what to do in relation to my car. My reflexes became quick and automatic. Without the delay of thought, when a critter appeared within my vision while driving, one or both hands would fly up to meet them, and we would intersect with the common language of love energy.

We have many abandoned railroad tracks that have become trails for public use in this region. People ride horses on them, bicycle, walk, cross country ski in winter, etc. One hot summer day I came to the intersection of one of these trails and a paved state road. I saw horseback riders coming to the trail’s edge to cross the state road and continue on the trail on the other side. I stopped my car and they began to cross. I had a thought that it might be jarring for the horses to leave the cool, shaded, quiet of the soft trail and suddenly emerge onto hot asphalt and blinding sunshine with cars idling on either side of them. So I put up my hands, sending them love and appreciation, and said, “Blessed be, my friends.” After a moment, the lead horse turned its head. Looking directly at me for a few moments, my hands meeting his eyes, words pushed into my head. I was stunned to hear, in an English accent no less, “Thanks Love!” And then the horse turned back to face forward. My jaw dropped! All this time of letting love radiate without concern for results, and I had NEVER received a reply!

Yesterday about 9:30 am I had just pulled out of my driveway to head to my office when, on the edge of the road, I saw a beautiful big deer nibbling on grass. I stopped, put on my flashers and focused on the truck coming in the other direction. That driver noticed my action and I could see they were slowing to a stop, so I shifted my focus to the deer. I put up both hands and blessed her. She lifted her head, looked at me, looked at the truck, and then stepped sure-footed into the road and across to the wetland trails that border our current home. This event is what triggered my thought to share this spiritual practice with you.

This practice has helped me actively participate in the camaraderie between species in a way that assists without intruding and helps without having to change careers to wildlife biology. The critters that still need a more active hand than remote Attunement are the turtles. They are following ancient paths to nesting grounds that take them across busy roads. Their slow pace requires a pull-over, and a face-to-face blessing by carrying them, always in the direction they are heading, never back to safety, but forward. Otherwise, when you leave, they will simply attempt the crossing again without you there to shepherd them.

With summer in full swing in the northern hemisphere, I hope you enjoy expanding your ministry in some way, inspired by my stories. Blessed be everyone!

8 thoughts on “Animal Ministry Aspects – At The Intersection

  1. This is Lovely Potent Precious Real and Radiant.

    Your story shares essences of Communion between all kingdoms of Creation, and more particularly your own conscious Communion and radiant care which is applicable in so many ways was we each walk through the day.

    Blessed Be. db

  2. Claire, I appreciated the birth and beauty of your wisdom through your divine perspective. The animal kingdom is close to Christine’s and my heart too. We often look for patterns that show forth from all creatures. We have a 6+ year old Yorkie named Remy. Truth be known, he’s quite an Attunement Practitioner’s assistant. He’s truly very sensitive and tuned in.

    When we’re out walking Remy, we’re very aware of his awareness and communication with other animals, birds, etc. Who is the real teacher here?

    But here’s a poem of mine that comes to mind:

    Tears Falling From Their Face

    I looked up into the sky and saw tears falling from an eagle’s face
    The eagle looked down at me and said – have you forgotten your place?

    I then looked straight ahead and saw a great bear – he too had tears falling from his face
    the bear looked over at me and said – as mighty as I am, it was you that was given the privilege to take care of this place

    Shocked by his words I looked down to the ground and saw a serpent that was laughing at me at tears began to roll down my face

    The serpent looked straight at me and said – dry your tears silly man – all that you need to do is find your true Grace

    As I dried my tears, the eagle, bear and the serpent became as One and spoke to me saying – stay present in Grace and you will always know how to take care of this place

  3. Thank you, Claire, for sharing this inspiring and healing way to connect with the Animal Kingdom, especially when we are driving. Like you, I am very aware of the animals that share our roads with us and feel much concern for them. I will be adding this beautiful practice when I see them there……Blessed Be-MaryBeth.

  4. What a wonderful introduction you given us to the tremendous need for mankind to bless, hold sacred, cherish and protect the divinity of our entire animal kingdom. Thank you Claire for opening yourself to, then expanding, and then sharing your unique animal-directed Attunement service with us. Blessings to you and to all who offer Attunement in any way, to our Animal Kingdom as a whole. Leon

  5. Thank you Claire for this topic. I had an experience a few day ago that confirmed the effect Attunement has on the animal kingdom and our relationship with it.

    Janan and I were sitting on our deck when suddenly we heard a strange screech, then crows squawking and flying around wildly. Moments later a newborn faun appeared running across our lawn crossing our drive way and back into the woods. I looked at where the faun came from and saw a coyote running with a doe chasing it. I then went out into the area where I could hear the deer frantically snorting and darting back and fourth searching for her faun. When she saw me she stopped. Being in an Attunement space I connected with her. She was breathing hard and occasionally snorting. She slowly approached me. The image of the faun came to my mind and where it had gone. She went bounding back and fourth over the area again never out of my sight. She returned and stared at me again. Then she was off. For the next few days she was grazing on the side of the house where the faun had gone. She would watch me as I went to the garden and follow along on the edge to the woods.
    When we are in Attunement we are at the center of love, life and in harmony with all creation.

    Thank you again Claire for the opportunity to share in this conversation.

  6. What a beautiful, wonderful expression of Love and Attunement, Claire! Thank you for sharing it with us! The opportunities for when and where Attunement can be used are truly limitless! A few years ago, the deer population exploded in one of the parks in the Kansas City area. The powers that be thought the only solution was hunting to thin them out. One of the members of our local Attunement community asked for volunteers to share Attunement with the deer to hopefully cause them to move to another location. I had never done anything like that, but it was a truly amazing experience for me.

    A couple of weeks ago, I visited my hometown in Nebraska, which I had not been back to for many, many years. One of the places I had to revisit was a large park where I had played as a child, and in fact, where my high school graduation was held. As I wandered through one of the gardens, I climbed up to the landing of a lighthouse. While standing there, drinking in the beauty around me, I happened to see a small rabbit hopping across the grass, and then it stopped to nibble on something. Without even thinking about it, I started sharing Attunement with that rabbit. After a few moments, it turned its head and looked up at me! That was so totally unexpected. I was shocked, thrilled, and amazed all at once! That was Attunement in its purest form — truly “Love Made Visible”!

  7. Beautiful conveyance of the expression of Attunement, Claire; so simple, direct, and in the moment. It calls attention to the many, many opportunities for the blessed release of this current that arrive on our doorstep daily. You obviously have a wonderful feel for the animals of this world and the creative ways to include them in your blessings. I’m glad you’re here.

  8. Blessed be. What a wonderful expression. I’ve had similar recent experiences with the many deer in the area and have been blessed with a greater sighting of them. Now I am able to see them safely bedding in the fields as well as their journeys across busy roads. It is truly a sharing of love that expands us all.

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