Share Attunement, Bless The World

To Soar

by Andrew Shier
Hancock, NH
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I heard the high pitched whistle of the Broad Wing hawk while weeding in the vegetable garden. It is subtle and at the same time piercing. It led me to pause, look up, and watch this beautiful bird. For the several minutes of viewing, it never flapped its wings. It was gliding and soaring on the thermals produced by the heat and wind of the day. It was so effortless and dance-like.

It brought a wonderful feeling to my heart of the rhythm of life. I thought, can I now continue to weed this garden without “flapping my wings?” What would that look and feel like? My first sensation was: there is nowhere else to be but right here and right now. This is not a job to “get through” so that I can get on to the next thing.

Then everything slowed down, enough so that a conversation emerged with that small plot of Mother Earth that is our vegetable garden. There was an exchange, an Attunement, and I was filled with joy. I realized that a very large smile had landed on my face!

Sure there are times to “flap our wings.” The broad Wing Hawk did so and was eventually out of view. When such movements are in harmony with Divine pulsations there is a relaxation, a gentleness, and an awesome power. If not, the flapping becomes flailing. This is exhaustive and dissipating.

To walk upon this earth is a privilege. To dance with it, is a return to the sacred. To be conversant with our Mother perhaps there is a great need to slow down and remember that there is a soar and glide phase to life. Then and only then do we next hear: “OK now flap your wings.”

4 thoughts on “To Soar

  1. Andrew – what beautiful imagery you bring forth in your words. Mindful living, paying attention to our breath, our steps, our world, with eyes and heart open is the path to living in Attunement, I think. Hawks are said to be messengers, and the message this one brought to you seems a wonderful message for us all. Thank you so much for sharing your moment with us.

  2. I, too, have been deeply touched by your post Andrew. It is all to easy for me to fall victim to the rush and bustle of my contemporary life. Mother Nature gently reminds me that there is a choice – perhaps a need to arrest this flow – and to simply pause and float. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Wow, thank you Andrew! This really touched my heart. A beautiful new way of seeing the ebb and flow of life and being present. What a blessing to truely see with radiant awareness.

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